Jay's Distorted World

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hood rule meets Freedom of Speech

On my drive to work I caught a conversation on the radio concerning the beating of a young woman in New York. She is suing the designer of a shirt she purchased because it directly led to her beating. What did the shirt say? (Shawn don't read) Obama is my Slave. Four supporters of Obama were offended by the shirt and kindly took their frustration out on this woman. So the question was posed to the listeners, and I too will pose to my readers, who is at fault here? The woman for wearing the shit, the designer of the shirt or the girls who delivered the beat down?

In short, I believe it is everyone except for the designers fault. That's the easy/short answer.
Let me first start off by saying that I'm not defending the designer or his first amendment rights here. Even though he has his own opinion, as my Logic professor once told the class, every one has an opinion, doesn't mean they are entitled to that opinion. Our opinions become dangerous not only to ourselves but to others who get caught up in the reasoning we have. If someone were to tell a child that the sky was brown, are they entitled to continue to tell that child that? Or should someone correct them because this child will grow up not knowing and looking like a fool? The t-shirt was done in bad taste, was done to get a reaction, stir the pot and let's face it, it did its job. The ow nest for me should be put on the individual for wearing such a shirt. In a place (she was in Union Square in NYC not some KKK wooded area) where you will come across minorities who still feel the pain of racism, the affects of slavery and are still looked upon as second class at best, someone of minimum education (she was a grad student) should have expected a less than positive reaction. She chose to wear this $60 t-shirt around, so she has to deal with the consequences.

I'm not trying to take away blame from the women who lead the beat down on her. Hell, hood rules state, someone is disrespecting your people you have to represent, and represent they did. It was noted on the radio and I agree, hood rule is what got most of the prisoners in jail locked up, because hood rules and the American justice system are rarely on one accord. Should they be arrested and put away for assault, absolutely. Do I think they did the wrong thing? Absolutely. Do I understand and feel some sympathy when they go to jail? Absolutely. It comes a time when we have to learn to use our words positively and take responsibility for our actions.

To wrap this up because I need to get to work, the designer is an asshole for printing up this t-shirt (heard there are more like it if not worst) but legally I don't think he is at fault. At fault was the idiot for buying the shirt and not expecting negative feedback and the animals who attacked her for her views instead of trying to reason with her (I guess they figured if they couldn't win an argument they would win a fight, also hood rule but also falls in the category of another rule, you figure it out)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Life update

I haven't blogged in a minute, but that hasn't been because life has been busy and/or complicated, I've just been enjoying the time I have remaining on this planet. I'm patiently waiting on the storm that comes because right now the calm is here. But those that know me well, know that I'm not patiently sitting still waiting as I lack patients.


Where do I begin. This year has seen a change in my life. Somethings/people are still the same and are still very much a constant in my life. My older sister and my little brother (biological) are still two of my best friends. They embrace and love me for who I am, as well as enjoy the company of those I choose to enter into my life. I love them flaws and all, they are the best. My relationship with my twin sister is the same now as it was at this point last year. The scare of my death is over and we seem to walk around like strangers on the street at times. We have our moments, but those moments can be counted. My brother's girlfriend and I have gotten closer, if that is possible. We were buddy buddy before, but I think now she is almost on the level of my brother. She is my heart, a good person and someone I can just be around. It doesn't hurt that she gave birth to my niece. That little girl is going to be a handful when she grows up. I see so much of my brother in her already, not to mention she looks like him as a baby (not a female version, they look exactly alike!). Moms is moms, she is in a league by herself, as most good mothers are. She gets on my nerves, she babys me (not a word from the Husband, I don't want to hear it...lol), she treats me like a friend and in her own way, she pushes me to do more.

I don't really hang around the same group of friends as I did at this point last year, or I should say that I have limited my interaction with a group of friends. This is not to say that something is wrong with them nor do I have ill feelings toward them, its just been a year of growth and letting go. Being honest with myself, I just didn't think I fit in and trying to fit in was not benefiting me. I mean, if I was trying to git in with a bunch of Ivy League grads that's one thing, but being almost _ _ fitting in with frat boys is not the way to go for me. That was/is not a stab at them, but a statement of where I am in my life. I have developed a bound with Damnit, someone that if you would have told me when I met him some years ago we would be cool, not to mention friends, I would have tossed back a shot, ordered another round and had a laugh at your expense. but I've come to realize what I thought I didn't like about him, is actually the thing that draws us together. Our love, relationship with the truth and honesty, is the bound that seems to keep us together. His bluntness may come off a little aggressive and mean at times, but he only speaks the truth as he sees it, remains true to who he is and surprisingly, has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I know. Then there is O. The brother is smart! I really don't have to go on, but he is a great guy, always looking to improve himself and very caring, what more can I ask for from a friend? Mike and 'A' are still my boys, nothing there has changed, even though I might want to stop referring to 'A' as "the ex." I don't call him that to down play our friendship, but a statement of fact and as a memory to the other relationship we shared. We shared some great times and some trying ones as well, all of which has molded our friendship and helped me become the person I am today.

Then there is my romantic life. Previously, I posted that I was torn between two and as things would appeared to become less complicated for most people, the decision become difficult for me. But today, right now at this moment, there is no decision to be made. I've been spending my time with someone that makes me happy. Through the arguments and uncertainty, it is he who I want to be with and he who crosses my mind almost every minute of every day. This is not to say that the feelings I had for the other were not real or I was using him until I got to this point, because honestly I think he knew this time was coming, but this is to say that I'm in love all over again with a man that has grown with me for some time. Our relationship is been far from perfect, but being someone that doesn't believe in perfection anyway, I guess what we have had is perfect for me. I can't remember the last time I went to sleep or woke up and didn't think about him, nor do I want to. He spoils me which I'm not used to nor have I felt comfortable in the past being spoiled, but it is different with him. We have no official title/label, even though we regularly refer to the other as "the husband," but for right now its working for us. I want the other to stay in my life as a friend but a relationship with us right now can't happen.

I'm beginning to hate my job all over again. Its easy work, and coming off of heart surgery and still not 100%, this job is probably best for me, but I need more. I need more interaction with people, more of a challenge, but right now I'm settling for a job that will probably keep my stress level down. My co-workers seem to think that actually doing work at work is way to much to ask for and it is beneath them to do more than the bare minimum. I'm becoming to be overworked because our bonus is affected by the work the team shells out (top perform from a team gets more, but the pot in which we share from is affected by the work we put in). These idiots don't want to do work so they can force the company to give them overtime (which the company has taken and has granted very sparingly recently, I'm waiting for my verbal warning for going over 15 minutes last pay period), which in short means, they want to be rewarded for doing less than what they can do. I'm happy for a job and I'm not fucking with my money.

Let me get back to work before someone decides I'm not doing enough work. Hopefully I will be back soon.

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Monday, July 07, 2008

Random bored post

Ok, I started to write about my perfect relationship and what it would be like, however, in writing it, it sounded very junior highish. I'm bored right now. I should be working, but being the overachiever that I am, I finished my work for the day before lunch so I'm hiding before they give me someone else's work to do. I've just decided to blog about a few things on my mind. I'm not going to make this a long post but merely a few bullet points.
  • I had a pretty good weekend. I spent the majority of the weekend with the husband. Its great being around someone you are romantically interested in and can still be 100% yourself. We looked at guys and flirted with people together, played cards with both our family's, went to the movies and watched tv. Sure we weren't happy the entire weekend, actually pissed the other off at least once, but what's new?
  • I feel like I'm a bore. I don't really care for the clubs anymore, especially since I don't drink anymore and the city really isn't for me. I don't like to sit and watch movies (side bar- WANTED was pretty good, the action in that movie kept my attention). I think I'm becoming a tired old man! NO!!!!!!!! ('A' I don't want to hear it...lol)
  • I'm ready to move! My mother and I kept butting heads this weekend, hell for the last couple of weeks, and I know it is time for me to leave. Hopefully I will be able to pay off my car sooner than expected, buckle down on my spending and start saving to move. I wanted to wait until next year but an apartment is starting to look like a great Christmas gift to myself.
  • I was in another accident last week. It was completely not my fault. I was making a turn and this lady ran her stop sign and hit the back of my car. Minimal damage, I can't open the back door on my driver's side, but the check I'm supposed to get to pay to get repairs should cover the rest I owe on my car. I was trying to make it an entire year without a ticket or accident but that is now out of the door.
  • This weekend, the husband and I realized we have been dating/talking/messing around/friends for 5 years now and we have never had intercourse with each other. Seems kinda odd given our track record but it is what it is. The best part of it is, it doesn't bother me at all.
  • Speaking of sexual activities. I enjoy tossing salad, rimming or whatever you want to call it (i prefer eating but that maybe because I'm a fat boy...lol), I mean it is down right pleasurable for me. I don't think I'm good at giving head, bottoming isn't my thing even though I will try, but eating is def for me. Not going to brag and say I'm the best, hell I'm not going to say I'm good, just going to say I like doing it. Guess that's too much information so I'll move on.

Ok, so this break has been longer than I thought. I'm going to go back to my desk and see if I have any work to do. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and welcome back to work for those of you that are at work like me.

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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Stimulus checks

This is going to be a quick post since I"m at work and my official break is almost over (those of you that know me know that I have more unofficial time than a little, yet all my work gets done ahead of schedule).

*sigh* I realize I will offend some people, this will come off shady as hell and to that I say in my best Mrs. Jones voice..."Oh Well!"

I have heard and read many people bitching about being short changed when it came to their stimulus checks. I'm confused and need the help of my educated readers on this one. How the hell can you be short changed on something that is not owed to you? How is it everyone assumed that they would get the max? Niggers (and I do mean niggers, this has little to do with race) are complaining about bills that can't be paid, phones that can't be brought, clothes that have to be returned, because their dumb ass can't budget the money they have instead of budgeting a gift from the government. Lets be clear, we did not earn our stimulus checks. Its like a teacher curving a test grade because everyone did poorly, you didn't deserve that B so don't complain because you wanted an A. I'm tired of the shit already! You need money for an extra pair of shorts, condoms for the little whore you fucking, hotel room for the jump off you have on the side, for the bill you forgot to pay last month, for the tip for the dinner that someone else paid for, here is an odd idea, get another job or stay within your means!!!!!!! If you want to complain about a fucking gift, give that shit to me or give it back because I will be happy with what I get you ungrateful motherfuckers!

This has been a message from the desk of public relations at Shade Entertainment!