New year...Obama
Ok for 2009 I have decided to change the format of my blog. I plan on posting once a week (twice if I actually get time). I plan on posting short, blast of thought. A compressed rant focusing on one clear issues, devoid of wordy sentences and phrases, something quick to share. These will be my thoughts, feelings, views and if no one cares to share a comment or doesn’t agree with what I have to share, I can care less.
OMG, I have never seen a president elect give so many damn press conferences in my life. Hell, Obama has been on the TV as much as Bush has been in his eight years as president (ok, that also goes to the job Bush did in office but that is neither here nor there). I took today off work to get some rest, turned to watch an educational show (Jerry Springer) and here is this Mr. Obama on the screen. Ok, we get it, the economy is bad and everyone is to blame for it, yes most of us understand that it will take time for economic stability to come back (despite what some may believe, Obama is not going to get sworn in to office and magically everything is going to get better), we know that you need to change some of your campaign promises, now get your ass off my television, fuck your wife, go read Harry Porter to your kids and put Jerry Springer back on! Let’s be clear, the biggest one night thing Obama will be achieve as president has already been accomplished. He has given hope that anyone can achieve their goal with the best group of people around them, enough money and the right set of circumstances no matter what their nationality is. To expect some immediate change is down right foolish!
Welcome to my blog 2009…lol
OMG, I have never seen a president elect give so many damn press conferences in my life. Hell, Obama has been on the TV as much as Bush has been in his eight years as president (ok, that also goes to the job Bush did in office but that is neither here nor there). I took today off work to get some rest, turned to watch an educational show (Jerry Springer) and here is this Mr. Obama on the screen. Ok, we get it, the economy is bad and everyone is to blame for it, yes most of us understand that it will take time for economic stability to come back (despite what some may believe, Obama is not going to get sworn in to office and magically everything is going to get better), we know that you need to change some of your campaign promises, now get your ass off my television, fuck your wife, go read Harry Porter to your kids and put Jerry Springer back on! Let’s be clear, the biggest one night thing Obama will be achieve as president has already been accomplished. He has given hope that anyone can achieve their goal with the best group of people around them, enough money and the right set of circumstances no matter what their nationality is. To expect some immediate change is down right foolish!
Welcome to my blog 2009…lol
It's called a media orgasim babe. BO must have a huge dick cause he got everyone riding it! LoL. That's why ya should've took ya ass to work this way you wouldn't see him until the evening new.
By bLaQ~n~MiLD, at 8:26 AM
Never in the history of America has a President-elect had to contend with the issues this one is facing. I'm glad he's on top of it. I'm one of the 82% of Americans that approve of his transition so far.
Besides, I'll take any excuse I can get to look at that man.
By Mr. Jones, at 10:17 AM
(I'm glad I'm not walkin behind Jones. I don't like stepping in shit!)
*Yawn...* LoL
By bLaQ~n~MiLD, at 10:21 AM
Funny, I went to work, and still caught the speech on youtube!
Even all this economy talk is depressing! I just tune him out and watch how beautiful he talks!
By Anonymous, at 3:00 PM
Mr jones, most people were impressed/approved of the team dallas put together at the start of the season but they couldn't even make it to the playoffs, so lets hold off with our praises until they actually do something other than talk a good game.
Far as him being political eye candy, umm I'll pass.
By Jay, at 3:38 PM
Obama has some astronomical issues to handle. But I'm just praying he doesn't get assassinated. Seriously.
By Jersey Brotha, at 5:22 PM
I love the new idea for the blog...and I love Mr. President Elect
By Darius T. Williams, at 6:28 PM
ur a mess j seriously lol jerry springer tho. who watches that mess get t in wit maury lol
By Anonymous, at 1:13 PM
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