Jay's Distorted World

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hood rule meets Freedom of Speech

On my drive to work I caught a conversation on the radio concerning the beating of a young woman in New York. She is suing the designer of a shirt she purchased because it directly led to her beating. What did the shirt say? (Shawn don't read) Obama is my Slave. Four supporters of Obama were offended by the shirt and kindly took their frustration out on this woman. So the question was posed to the listeners, and I too will pose to my readers, who is at fault here? The woman for wearing the shit, the designer of the shirt or the girls who delivered the beat down?

In short, I believe it is everyone except for the designers fault. That's the easy/short answer.
Let me first start off by saying that I'm not defending the designer or his first amendment rights here. Even though he has his own opinion, as my Logic professor once told the class, every one has an opinion, doesn't mean they are entitled to that opinion. Our opinions become dangerous not only to ourselves but to others who get caught up in the reasoning we have. If someone were to tell a child that the sky was brown, are they entitled to continue to tell that child that? Or should someone correct them because this child will grow up not knowing and looking like a fool? The t-shirt was done in bad taste, was done to get a reaction, stir the pot and let's face it, it did its job. The ow nest for me should be put on the individual for wearing such a shirt. In a place (she was in Union Square in NYC not some KKK wooded area) where you will come across minorities who still feel the pain of racism, the affects of slavery and are still looked upon as second class at best, someone of minimum education (she was a grad student) should have expected a less than positive reaction. She chose to wear this $60 t-shirt around, so she has to deal with the consequences.

I'm not trying to take away blame from the women who lead the beat down on her. Hell, hood rules state, someone is disrespecting your people you have to represent, and represent they did. It was noted on the radio and I agree, hood rule is what got most of the prisoners in jail locked up, because hood rules and the American justice system are rarely on one accord. Should they be arrested and put away for assault, absolutely. Do I think they did the wrong thing? Absolutely. Do I understand and feel some sympathy when they go to jail? Absolutely. It comes a time when we have to learn to use our words positively and take responsibility for our actions.

To wrap this up because I need to get to work, the designer is an asshole for printing up this t-shirt (heard there are more like it if not worst) but legally I don't think he is at fault. At fault was the idiot for buying the shirt and not expecting negative feedback and the animals who attacked her for her views instead of trying to reason with her (I guess they figured if they couldn't win an argument they would win a fight, also hood rule but also falls in the category of another rule, you figure it out)


  • Ignorance is always the loudest to speak, and clearly it also gets hit the hardest! LoL. I too heard about this story and I shook my head and laughed. There is so much more to this story I don't know if you know about it but fact is the shirt was in poor taste. However, there is no legal grounds to sue the gentleman. He didn't make her buy the shirt. He didn't make her wear it. She can try to sue the girls that whooped her ass if she so chooses.

    My personal opinion...she went out looking for trouble and she found it, period!


    By Blogger bLaQ~n~MiLD, at 10:00 AM  

  • Smart people do stupid things. Sucks for her. I bet she won't wear that shirt (or anything else like it) ever again!

    By Blogger Jersey Brotha, at 6:51 PM  

  • Hey Damnit, it appears that the article/story was fake. The shirt does exist, but the ass whooping never happened (I was doing some follow up reading on the story). Turns out the designer was trying to get his name out there, glad I didn't share that detail (his name).

    By Blogger Jay, at 3:57 AM  

  • Instead of deleting and re-posting my comment let me just add this...in my hurry to type I missed a word or two that makes a difference. The story MAY be fake. Sorry about that (why am I apologizing?)

    By Blogger Jay, at 5:26 AM  

  • Don't LET me see that shirt... or this story might end up being true!

    By Blogger ShawnQt, at 8:25 AM  

  • <--- Preparing to purchase the shirt and deliver it to Shawns house in a big red bow. LMAO. j/k


    By Blogger bLaQ~n~MiLD, at 11:12 AM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger Motionphics, at 5:38 PM  

  • She needed her ass Kicked for talking about "the Wiz," I meant Obama like that. Does she not know that he can change all the colors in Emerald City if he likes at the drop of a dime? She needed that whipping so she could never make that mistake again.

    Obama 08

    if I ever needed to say it Jay and D here it goes...


    By Blogger Motionphics, at 5:39 PM  

  • Yea, I'm not sure who's at fault here. I feel as though a person can wear whatever choice of clothing they deem appropriate as the laws governing freedoms of speech have her covered here. The beating just shouldn't of happened - especially in such a diverse area of the country. So, who's wrong - the dudes that beat the girl - in my opinion.

    Violence of such proportions simply because someone has a certain point of view shouldn't be tolerated.

    By Blogger Darius T. Williams, at 6:33 AM  

  • Shawn would wear the shirt if it said : "Obama is my bedroom slave"

    By Blogger ponoono, at 7:36 AM  

  • Hmm, an interesting freedom of speech post. I believe the 1st amendment allows people to say what they want when they want and where they want to say it. But like the Justice Whoever back in the early 20th century said, you cant yell fire in a crowed theatre and not expect consequences. Anyone who would wear a shirt like that should expect a beating, maybe even 2.

    As for the designer, he can't be very good or he would know that no one in Obama's family has ever been a slave, in fact he probably comes from a line of slave holder, especially on that Dick Cheney side. If the designer was any good he would of thought of something more real or relevant. Now that I think of it, maybe he should get a beating too for having no talent and trying this stupid publicity stunt.

    By Blogger Curious, at 2:05 PM  

  • mess. fake or not the story is interesting. suing the desingner? did he make her buy it? case dismissed
    charges pressed against assaulters- yes
    they had no business enacting violence. there were other , more civil actions to be taken.
    sympathy for the girl? some...very little but, yes , some.

    By Blogger Omar Ramon, at 9:02 PM  

  • I 100% agree! I could not of said it better!

    By Blogger fuzzy, at 11:32 PM  

  • @ Ponoono I really believe that to be true!

    Maybe I should read the comments first next time! haha

    By Blogger fuzzy, at 11:34 PM  

  • I actually bought my first Obama shirt and will showcase it on my blog soon! T

    hank you very much! :)

    By Blogger ShawnQt, at 6:43 AM  

  • I agree with you.

    By Blogger lj, at 2:20 PM  

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