Jay's Distorted World

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Straight Eyes (short post)

It has been brought to my attention that sometimes I am a little too straight minded for my own good. I constantly complain about not being hit on in public or non-gay affairs, I don't think I'm gorgeous or even a dime, I don't have a nice body or an ass that will make you cry, but I don't think I look bad, yet it always seems I never get the occasional attention while on the train (ok, I know I only get on the train like once a year but damn can I get a look then), at the mall or the supermarket. I have to sit through stories from this friend and that one about being hit on while on the bus, supermarket or hell even taking out the damn garbage. While at church on Thursday, one of the preachers was acting very friendly toward me, I paid it no mind, figured it was because I hadn't been to church in awhile and haven't seen him since I got out of the hospital. He stated that I looked good more than once, I blushed a little because it is always good to hear that someone thinks you look good, but once again, I figured he was talking about compared to how I looked the last time he saw me. At the end of service he waited by the stairs and asked for my number so we could "keep in touch." At first I thought nothing of it, he is a pastor and that's what they do. He texted me later: "it was really good seeing you at church today, you really look good." Odd. Now the wheels in my head began to turn and I thought he was doing more than just being a good pastor. I reached out to O to get his opinion since he had been at church with me that day. I was shocked to find out that he had gotten the gay vibe long before I had. Apparently, I look at things through straight eyes sometimes (not his exact words but what I got from it). I know I have the worst gaydar of any gay male I know, hell, my straight brother and his girlfriend can pick out a gay male before I can, but have there been times when someone has hit on me and I just didn't see it? Conversations I have had with "straight" guys about sports, were they more than just friendly chatter to kill time? Now I have to re-evaluate my conversations with co-workers, high school acquaintances and other strangers and figure out had I missed something.


  • Sooo...it looks like I have a little competitipn. LOL...tell that pastor to mind his own business and keep it moving (just kidding...kinda).

    I know how u feel though. I used to think why didn't people hit on me...at all. But, something kinda happened. One day I started becoming more confident. My self esteem grew. I guess that inward change started to reflect outward. It mustve made a difference because I started getting looks and hellos. Just yesterday I was looking.a hot confident sweaty mess. This girl stared me up and down and was inclined to speak to me as I walked past. I entertained her for a few moments before lying and telling her I'd just gotten engaged. I couldn't break her heart and tell her I was gay. But, had she been a cute guy, then well...you know.

    But don't trip. I've always thought u were hot. Had I still been in NJ you'd have quite the time figuring out how to get rid of me.

    Keep ya head up. You will get what u deserve.

    By Blogger Darius T. Williams, at 5:18 AM  

  • Its not really an issue of confidence as it is an issue of what have I been missing? Was the conversation at the bar over the basketball game, recent trade in baseball, monday night's football game just guy talk or was it something more? Have I been hit on/approached and just never realized it because I figured we were just two guys discussing sports or killing time until we had to be somewhere else?

    By Blogger Jay, at 7:22 AM  

  • WOW!

    Funny how I had found myself in a similar situation. No, he wasn't a pastor, but he was someone who I had gone to church with for many of years, and other than the polite hello, we never really spoke too much. We didn't too much run in the same circles nor were we active in the same auxilaries, so we really didn't need to speak to one another.

    One night we were at bible study, and he asked to photocopy my notes. I said "Sure" gave them to him and went on to hold a conversation with someone else.

    When he finished copying my notes, he asked if we could exchange numbers and discuss them. Again. . . I didn't think anything of it, so we did. We actually didn't speak any more that week, but the following Sunday was Easter.

    That evening he called and asked if I wanted to grab a bite to eat. We met up, and to make a long story short, that's what began a 10 year relationsip.

    So I know what it's like to be oblivious to certain situations when outside of a "setting". Whatever that may be.

    By Blogger Acoustic Soul, at 7:39 AM  

  • That sir is what me and O have coined a B.F.F.C. Blatent Fag For Christ! LMAO. The pastor...that's grand!

    Yea I can see you missing shyt J. See that's why you need to hang around me more. The things people say to me ESPECIALLY this bangin ass dominican dude I work with. I'm still schemin on him! LoL


    By Blogger bLaQ~n~MiLD, at 9:57 AM  

  • we've talked about this...everyone is gay until proven hetero...keep that in mind and you won't miss out on the undertones of the next sports chat with a random "breeder"

    By Blogger Omar Ramon, at 10:17 AM  

  • It won't surprise me at all if he is gay. Remember my friend Steve from south Jersey was dating a pastor too, and "Pass-a" was a straight up bottom lol. Anything and everything is possible these days.

    And I used to feel some kinda way about people not hittin on me too, but now I just pay it.

    By Blogger Jersey Brotha, at 6:19 PM  

  • O you're a mess LMAO. The way 'Breeders' reads is like it's an infectious disease or something! I love it!


    By Blogger bLaQ~n~MiLD, at 7:35 AM  

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