Jay's Distorted World

Sunday, June 01, 2008

My Weekend

I'm happy to report that I had another glowing weekend. The perfect weekend being spent with just one amazing guy is no longer tops on my list, but spending the weekend with amazing conversation, laughs and welcome surprises is definitely my perfection right now. This weekend definitely fit and it came at a time when I felt blue almost all week.

Friday began slowly as most of my friends do have jobs, my mother was home and my bank account didn't allow for much spontaneity. My check came in the mail which was a shock since it was actually on time, I opened the letter and realized it was more than I was expecting. It wasn't an "Oh My God" amount, but it was still enough money to get gas in my car and with current gas prices the way they are that's saying a lot. It was too late to deposit the check (ok, it wasn't too late, I was just unmotivated and didn't shower yet, I mean really, why do anything before 2pm?) so I wanted to plan my day. I wanted to go to the mall to pick up some lotion and do a little shopping even though I really didn't have any money. The person I really wanted to go with doesn't drive and I didn't want to drive across town to pick someone up and then back across town to the mall, only to drive them across town once the evening was over, so I hit up my husband (Tony). I figured that I couldn't predict my mood and he was one of a very short list of people that could handle me when I'm throwing a childish temper tantrum, so he would be perfect. I showered, did some running around in the blazing heat while I waited for him to get himself ready. He took longer than he stated but I wasn't as annoyed as I normally would have been. We made it to the mall and realized we made a bad choice of malls, we did some sight seeing, picked up my lotion and headed to another mall to do our clothes shopping. I really enjoy his company and must admit his friendship is probably the biggest reason that I am still single today, he gives me everything I want in a mate other than the sexual contact.

After the mall we decided to get something to eat since we both hadn't eaten and became very bitchy. We picked up his friend and headed to Chili's for a quick bite to eat (I wanted to see the game so we needed to go somewhere they had TVs or get take out, there was no budging on that) before going bowling. Over dinner and while watching a good game 6 between the Boston Celtics, your new Eastern Conference Champions and the Detroit Pistons, we discussed the role of some of the prominent Bishops, Prophets and speakers on the Christian circuit. Church has become big business again and it is a disheartening to hear those who have or claim to have a calling from God manipulate the system to increase their bank accounts and expand on their overall wealth. The night ended on a sour note for Tony and bowling didn't work out since we spent too much time talking over dinner, but it was after midnight so who could complain?

Upon entering my house, my mother was up and seemed to be in a good mood, suddenly she started to walk through the house complaining about every little thing. I was already planning on leaving to visit a friend I was neglecting after I read the post I just wrote so she sped the process up. We watched a movie and I fell asleep, my body was worn out from the heat and all the driving I had been doing. The night/morning ended well and it was a race back home to get ready for Saturday with 'A' and Mike.

'A' decided to surprise us to an evening out, a "just because," thing. The plan was we needed to meet at Mike's house at 3:30pm and we would go from there, no other plans would be shared. 2:30pm I get a text asking if I could be ready by 4pm and 'A' would pick me up from home, no problem I said since I was still on schedule to be ready and at Mike's by 3:30pm. 3:30pm I get a text saying we are running late be there at 4:30pm. At a quarter after 5pm 'A' and Mike arrive at my home, upset because things didn't go as planned for a rental car they had planned on getting, but whatever. I didn't have an attitude, I was hungry but definitely in good spirits. We picked up the fourth member of our trip and headed to Atlantic City, NJ. During the more than two hour trip I slept. No one was really talking so I wanted to get some much needed sleep in. We get there and the surprise of the evening is revealed, 'A' treated us all to the Alicia Keys concert featuring Ne-yo and Jordan Sparks. I am not big on the girls but seeing Ne-yo was a big deal for me. I am in love with that man (don't care how anyone feels about his looks, style or music, you can go to hell...lmao). Ms. Sparks can sing but she is boring! The older people around us were getting restless while I searched for something to end my life with as she sang dull song after another. Had that been apollo half the crowd would have been sleep while the other half would have been booing. I mean you can sing a love song and not put people to sleep, damn I needed a bottle. Alicia Keys put on a good show but her voice isn't for me. I won't go into the negatives but she definitely put on a show even though she doesn't really do all the new dance stuff and moves like she is in her mid 40s and not 20s.

We ate dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe after the concert. The other restaurants in the Taj MaHal were either closed or the lines were crazy. I hadn't eaten all day so McDonald's would have done but no one else wanted to waste a trip to Atlantic City on food that could be brought just around the corner from our houses, understood. I mean who really travels over an hour and a half to eat food they could have just 10 or 15 minutes away from their home? We laughed and talked about nothing in particular, just enjoyed each other's company. Other than talking about the bipolar couple one table over I don't remember what we talked about, but I know there wasn't a quiet moment until the food came out...lol. The drive home seemed longer than the drive there but it was cool, my phone held up and I was able to talk to some friends while singing along with 'A' and the radio.

It is Sunday now, I want to call it a weekend, want to just relax but we will see what the weekend holds. Hope everyone had an interesting weekend.


  • Sooo - I'm so glad you had a good weekend. It was full of stuff though - make sure you're getting enough rest. Balance is good, right?


    PS: Why am I suddenly jealous of this Tony?

    By Blogger Darius T. Williams, at 5:49 AM  

  • nice

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:41 AM  

  • Hmmmmmmmm...no wonder why I received not nan text all damn weekend! I HATE YOU!! LMAO.


    By Blogger bLaQ~n~MiLD, at 10:41 AM  

  • Wow...sounds like a great weekend! I wish I could have hung out!

    By Blogger Thoughts, at 12:06 PM  

  • Wow...sounds like a great weekend! I wish I could have hung out!

    By Blogger Thoughts, at 12:06 PM  

  • I'm surprised you didn't faint after seeing NEYO! Did he do CLOSER by any chance? I love that song!

    Aww poor sparks, and to think, we voted for her.

    By Blogger ShawnQt, at 2:25 PM  

  • Yes ne-yo did closer. Sparks can sing but she was boring, she tried.

    By Blogger Jay, at 6:25 PM  

  • Give Jordin Sparks a few years. She's still a new artist getting used to performing. But I bet ya ass wanted to run on stage when Ne-Yo was performing lol.

    By Blogger Jersey Brotha, at 7:33 PM  

  • I see your weekend was packed as well! I hope you rested like you said you was going to do!

    By Blogger fuzzy, at 9:44 AM  

  • so now i've caught up on my homie's life *rolls eyes* lol i knew all this stuff! lol. glad you had a good weekend boo.

    By Blogger Omar Ramon, at 4:51 AM  

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