Jay's Distorted World

Saturday, March 21, 2009

He kept me!

ok, i came across this video on youtube, an older song that means so much to me right now. one of those things that pop up at the right time. Just wanted to share

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

just single me

I'm still waiting on Mr. Right to show up at my house, holding my favorite flowers, a nice card and saying all the things I want to hear. Lol, yea I know that's not going to happen. But can I find someone with compatible values, views and interest? Someone I enjoy communicating with when we are apart, together and when I'm going through one of my moods. Ugh...good guys tend to bore me, mainly because the ones I have met we share no common interest. Bad boys, are boys first and thus a major problem, but secondly don't want a relationship but give me the balance and companionship I enjoy. I know some people think its the challenge, the hunt that turns me on, however, it isn't, and I know that to be true for myself. I tend to hold on to someone for a couple of months, try to work things out, ignore the signs of incompatibility or conflicting needs, until I no longer can take lying to myself and finally say "this won't work, no matter how much I want it to." It hurts to say bye to the good guy, especially when he has done nothing wrong. I feel like I'm responsible for tearing down another man's pure and good nature and creating another self-indulgent boy. Then I end up being disgusted with myself when the bad guy reveals his true nature and I'm left alone, even though I could see past his mask at the very beginning.

Ok ok let me stop, I'm at work and need to focus on this. Hope there isn't too many errors since I can't read what I wrote on this phone. If something is terribly wrong I know I will get a text from dammit.