Jay's Distorted World

Thursday, October 25, 2007

very random thoughts today...

Ok I'm at work and instead of being the good worker and seeking out work, I'm chilling. I informed the "people" before I left yesterday, I had completed all the work assigned to me and I needed work for the morning. Asked them to email me work and I would handle it when I got in (was going to do overtime last night but after waiting for them to get out of training for 2 and half hours, I didn't want to wait another 10 minutes to beg for work). So I will sit here and blog, get some shit off my chest that might piss some people off, but oh well.

I hate being lied to and I hate break ups. I hate when shit just don't add up. I don't like being lied to, so as I posted before, I rarely lie to people. I'm a firm believer in, "do unto others as you would have others do unto you." So when people lie to me I get annoyed. Break ups, why is it when people break up with someone they assume a lie will make things easier. Try the complete truth, it might not be the easiest thing for the other person to hear but it helps in the end. Stop being a goddamn pussy and saying the bullshit, "its not you its me," "I just need some time," "I need to find myself." Just tell the damn truth, "I'm no longer feeling u," "I want to see what else is out there," "I met someone else and I think I like them more than you," and "I cheated." Lies just lead the other person on and give them an unfair sense that there is a possibility of getting back together soon. Which leads them to want to pause their life for you.

Is it just me or does it seem like when people say they are trying to save money, they begin to go out more and take surprise trips? Could just be me.

My love life seems to be on hold. There is T, he is cool, but has no job and doesn't want a relationship. We chill like once a month, talk and watch a movie. We enjoy each others company but we know where the other stands. We will just be friends. A has been acting strange lately, think he feels a certain way now that he is just a friend. He keeps asking if I'm dating anyone, normally he shys away from this talk with me. Maybe we are finally comfortable with being friends, I don't know. I met someone online, lets call him jc. Before we met in person, I really became attracted to him, he was able to hold a good conversation and really was passionate about his job. Now, I don't know. He seems to be pushing me away or testing me, just not sure.

Ok I was watching the news and I know what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be a new york city cop. Get this, an off duty cop, shot and killed a man due to road rage. The cop claims the man pointed at him as if he had a gun and made a shooting sound, the cop thought he had a gun and shot him. Not willing to mess up his night, the cop kept driving and turned himself in the next day. Guess what happened to him...you guessed it, they let this motherfucker go home. Of course he isn't being paid while they look into the incident. So, I want to be a new york city cop so I can shoot someone, flee the seen of the crime, admit what I did the next day and not be arrested on the spot. but then again this is the same state that wants to give ILLEGAL immigrants driving licenses.

Ok its been an hour and still no work. I'm going to beg for work now, talk to you later.


  • Oooooopppp Wow you reading real heavy lol. "Everyone did you get in, cuz i got in lol." Aint it funny how....... lmao. The truth shall set you free.

    I see you have a new interest Im glad cuz i got tired of those "A" post lol. But now "T" is not getting to many kewl points rite now in my book due to the confusion. I hope it becomes something lol.

    Lol that cop is gangsta. ? was he a black man?

    By Blogger Promiscuous X, at 7:38 AM  

  • Think the victim was black not sure, but surprisingly, the cop was black. Thought they would have locked his ass up with the quickness. Read? Hmm, not really, just thinking...

    By Blogger Jay, at 8:29 AM  

  • That is kind of f***** up with the cop. Time will tell what happens.

    I also detest when someone lies to me. If we are both grown, why the hell can't you just say the truth. I think that the deal with relationships is that usually the one breaking up feels so guilty about it that they try to save face by giving you an apocryphal excuse.

    By Blogger Ty, at 11:11 AM  

  • LMAO! I am not going to have conversations with you any longer... You are too damn REAl... I love it. I can't stop laughing. That's why we are friends. Love ya

    By Blogger Tyson, at 2:41 PM  

  • I THOUGHT I WAS THE DESIGNATED READER OF THIS CIRCLE OF FRIENDS!!! Apparently I am wrong!! I have been clingin to tact and couth (read: delusion)

    I commend you darling. usually i am the one wincing at the impending damage you and your fierce tounge might inflict...not so in this instance.

    Bravo for saying what i was too busy biting my tounge to admit.

    By Blogger Tyson, at 2:58 PM  

  • oops this is omar by the way...i was so caught up in the humor (read:tickling truth) of the post that i forgot to sign out and sign back in my name. lmao

    By Blogger Tyson, at 2:59 PM  

  • ^^^^(When the VICE PRESIDENT of SHADE ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTIONS get's a face lift, this is what happens!) Oooooooooowwww is that John Trevolta or Nicholas Cage...? LoL


    By Blogger bLaQ~n~MiLD, at 4:24 PM  

  • Dammit, I'ma speak to your boss directly to make sure you have work to do at all times! LOL

    By Blogger Jersey Brotha, at 7:24 PM  

  • JB, and Imma buy you a dildo so your ass lips can petrude at ALL TIMES! Now you have! LoL.

    By Blogger bLaQ~n~MiLD, at 9:19 AM  

  • Blaq, I wasn't talking to you when I posted that. I was talking to Jay. Do you ever take off your reading glasses or leave that at home? Do you EVER? LOL

    By Blogger Jersey Brotha, at 10:34 PM  

  • Don't talk to me about work. I played hooky for three days all the way until the weekend! I would never do it again, but it felt good to be free, and have time to heal a little.

    The comment on "break ups" was a wake up call for me. Thank You for that.

    About the surprise trips? I have a feeling we are talking about somebody, but don't know who. I'm going to just leave that alone. I don't have to comment on everything lol.

    Relationships are crazy I tell you. They can be the best thing once you got it, its just the getting into and getting out of that is so uncanny to me.

    I miss having the idea of love at first sight, the long romantic kisses, the phone conversations till late at night, the surprize gifts, the I love yous, the hot passionate sex, and you calll it making love, and laying on here shoulder as you two cry together.

    Then you wake up...

    Arn't u grown now? You right behind me! A cop, wow!

    By Blogger ShawnQt, at 1:00 PM  

  • It's not just you. People do not know how to actually save money. I, however, am great at saving money. People call me cheap but I call it fugal. I have a four year plan which means I will have all my major bills, including my house, paid off (if God says the same). Of course it makes it easier when you are a home body and are happy with the simple things and life and not very materalistic. That's just me.

    By Blogger One Man’s Opinion, at 3:47 PM  

  • I definitely have a problem with saving, about a month ago I said I was going to save. Since then I have gone out to a bar/club every sat, had a few drinks there and eaten out at least twice every weekend. See what I mean by saying you going to save but start spending money (yes I was talking about myself).

    By Blogger Jay, at 7:03 PM  

  • Surprise trips.. I dunno.. I would think that with the money they are saving they CAN go on a trip. You know.. the trip being the reason why. Going out more tho.. no boo boo.. they are trying to do something else besides save money. But that just me from the outside lookin' in.

    I am a man of contradiction. While I don't like being lied to, mostly because it is a waste of time, I do understand a lies place. That it even has a place.

    When it comes to a break up... I dunno. I haven't broken up painfully yet. It has almost always been amicable and if it was breaking up with a girl... well... hello.... It really was me and not them. LOL.

    The cop... dear lord... we will even buy the bullshit of stupid people if it is peddled on TV. I actually heard people on the subway defending the cops reaction and subsequent behavior. Talk about no class and lack of critical thinking skills.

    Good post tho, it makes for good food for thought.

    By Blogger Daemian, at 8:12 PM  

  • I am with you on the truth thing. Ok, now for my thoughts on friends. Is it possible that sometimes friends can cause more harm than good? Is it possible to support someone in a break-up without becoming involved in the actual process. There seems to be a wedge dividing the circle. As a friend to both parties, i hate to see that this is getting so far out of hand. i refuse to take a side, because it is not my break-up. scenario, what if they decided to get back together at some point. words once they leave the lips can not be taken back. As friends, our job is to support, not fuel fires.

    with that being said, is it possible to change perspectives and lead our friends past this hurt, where we could all grow?


    By Blogger Motionphics, at 1:21 PM  

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