Jay's Distorted World

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Just a post

I've been thinking about what I want to do for a career and this has become difficult for me. For those that know me on a personal level, know me outside of my blogs and the occasional party, probably would say that I should go into teaching or some type of work that has me working with kids. From the outside looking in, they would be write. Despite my yells that I don't like kids, I genuinely do and like working with them, I just lack the patience to deal with them at times. I'm caring and a good listening, qualities that would make me a good teacher, but I'm not sure its for me. I tried teaching and I don't think I was a bad teacher, however, I knew it wasn't for me. My frustration with the lack of accountability got to me. Educators weren't accountable when they failed to probably educate our youth. I had several 8th grade students that were unfamiliar with their 5 times table. Parents aren't held accountable for helping to prepare their children. They make excuses for their children, allowing them to slack off and do less than the minimum in many cases. The students were allowed to continue on to the next grade without "making the grade" in their current studies. It was a fight to keep students back a grade even when it was clear that they hadn't mastered the lessons of their current grades. Hell, I had a student that only passed one of their major subject classes (we switched classes so I was not the only teacher this student had) and we had to get permission from the parent to hold the student back. I gave up. I hate quitting, but the system is not designed for success (in the case of our students) but to pamper their fragile egos. I'm not going to make this a long post about the education system and the flaws I believe that lies within it, but I know I can't go back to that.

After teaching I went into working in a group home. That was cool but definitely was in the wrong place. I did enjoy the work, gave a lot of myself and received little back from the kids that were in our care, but I felt like I was doing good work. I was doing good work I should say. For the most part group homes like the one I used to work at are located in South Jersey, so i would have to move down there. Working in a group home as a counselor would probably be the job that best suits me, however, I'm just not sure I want to move to Southern Jersey. I do know that physically I'm not ready to go into this field, but that will change soon. Working with adolescents I know I need to be ready to run or break up fights so right now most of you know that I shouldn't take on this job.

Enough about that, so I realized that I'm one of those people that really need to be in a relationship. Ok, let me re-state that or at least try to explain. I don't need it, but I do enjoy being in a relationship and sharing apart of myself with someone. Enjoy the companionship that you get with a relationship. Sure you can get companionship from friends and even share yourself with your friends, but its different. No, I'm not talking about a relationship based on sex or one that holds sex high, I'm talking about a relationship that is more like a friendship between two people. With that being said, I'm not looking for a relationship right now. Oh well, life keeps moving.

Tar Heels are inn the Final Four....Life is great.


  • Congrats on u thinking about what u want out of life. I know so many people who just don't get that important facet of being on this earth.

    I know what you mean about a relationship - the older I get, the more I think I'll be happier if I had my life to share...

    By Blogger Darius T. Williams, at 5:58 AM  

  • I can honestly say that working in the educational systems, I see exactly what you are saying and where you are coming from. The students don't care, the parents don't care, and the teachers have a hard time getting any kind of cooperstion from the students. I was just going to post about school being a day care center. Sounds pretty right?

    I think teaching would be a great avenue for me, but given your situations I don't know whether that would be a great path for you to persue. Maybe a counselor of some sort. Some sort of administrative figure? Every consider that?

    As for you being in a relationship, sharing ones moments with another is what many people yern to do. Most desire someone to share their life with, whether it be emotional or sexual. I believe that you should be in a relationship just for that someone to talk to whenever you wanted. To stay up with, communicate with. I hope you get what is in store for you!

    By Blogger fuzzy, at 7:13 AM  

  • I don't know if you are just as confused as I am with relationships or not. I always seem to long for the opposite of what I have. When I'm single, I want a relationship and vice-versa. Don't get it twisted, I know how to hold it down but, secretly, inside I think about the opposite of what I have.

    By Blogger Ty, at 3:16 PM  

  • Wow see you learn something new everyday i never knew that you were a teacher or that you worked in a group home. It never dawned on me to ask what kinda jobs my friends used to have me being me and naive i just think everyone worked where they work forever lol

    By Blogger Trackstar, at 11:26 PM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:51 PM  

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