Jay's Distorted World

Monday, April 02, 2007

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

After a night out with friends in which I did not have drink of alcohol, refrained from gossiping and just enjoyed myself, I was woken from a deep sleep with sounds of praise and this scripture. In what I can only explain as a dream, I realized I was in church. Youthful Praises’ song, Mercy and Grace, was being sung by the choir. The choir was rejoicing, and then I found myself with a mike in hand leading the song. I was trying to do the reprise verse and get the rest of the congregation going. Then the words of the first Bible verse I had ever learned flowed from my mouth. My yes were closed but my spirit was on firing, I couldn’t go back to sleep. I was dead tired, but every time I closed my eyes, the music began to play and I began to testify before the church.

When I woke up I wanted to know, what was the purpose of this dream? Was God calling back to church? Probably since I haven’t been to church in weeks. Or was there more? Then it hit me, maybe my message is a message that will speak more to just me and my backsliding but to a collection of people who have doubted who they are and questioned their life’s existence.

Meaning prophets, preachers, bishops, activist, popes and common people have claimed they know what God intended for us. They claim to know who will inherit the kingdom of God and have the ability to tell us what group of people will not be allowed into God’s kingdom. Does this verse not do just that? Let’s look at it; For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Who ever believes in him. He did not say only the pure, Roman Catholic, married, Heterosexual or church goers, he said clearly, Whosoever believeth in him. God recognized back in Genesis with Adam and Eve, man is not perfect, not without flaws and sins. So he asked us to just believe in his Son, believe that he is the Son of God and he came down from heaven to forgive us of our sins.

Like any parent, God set some rules, guidelines, commandments forth that we should all obey. As Christians, we should strive to keep God’s commandments, we should strive to be Christ like. However, like children we sometime stray away from our parents, break a rule, while trying to be like our parents and big brother. Does this mean our parents stop loving us, no. We may lose favor, we may lose the gifts they would have given us, but their love remains. Like our parents, God’s love remains through our imperfections and mistakes.

God so loved the world that whosoever believes in his Son, Jesus Christ, shall have everlasting life. We all will see paradise if we just believe.


  • I always beleived that our dreams are the strongest way to connect to GOD... GOD uses the images and places of our personal reality to create messages of what we either need or truly desire! What did you feel when you had the dream? Sometimes with dreams, its how u feel sometimes that really gets to the point, outside what you see.

    I always say, GOD is to big to miss, but just in case you just don't see it, here's somebody, from me that will show you the way.

    Thanks Jesus.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:43 AM  

  • Preach Preacher!

    You sayin it now! you about to get an emergency afternoon word goin! lol somebody needs to hear that! Alot of people need to hear that! I sent that verse out i believe it was last week along with a "Word 4 Today" We are only touching and agreeing on the same subject. Let two or three witness it! This has got to have the truth in it!

    By Blogger fuzzy, at 2:31 PM  

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