Jay's Distorted World

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Who Are You?

I haven’t posted in a month because I haven’t had the drive to sit at the computer and try to compose my thoughts in any sort of logical pattern. Its not that I haven’t had interesting things occur in the past month, not that there hasn’t been some changes in my life that I wouldn’t mind sharing, but sitting in front of my laptop and trying to experience my thoughts, hasn’t been on my top things to do list. Along with being unmotivated to write, my mind has been scattered lately and trying to bring everything together just hasn’t been working for me. Today is no different. I sat here several times, tried to express what I’m going through, but the words would only flow for a few minutes and then I get bored, restless and abandon my writing. In an effort to try to get back into the posting mood, I’m going to keep this blog short, try to write my thoughts on a piece of paper and transfer those thoughts to my blog. So this blog is coming to an end, but not without an assignment to all that have read this far.

Who are you? A simply question which no one seems to know how to answer. So I pose this question to all of the bloggers out there. The rules of answering this question are very simply. Think about your answer carefully, try to define who you are, there are no limits to your answer, you just can’t ask for clarification. Answer the way you think is best. I will be posting my own response in a few days, want to give everyone a chance to post their own answers.


  • I am a unique individual who functions in many different ways. I have a fun side and I have a serious side. I am spirituaal and I am religious. I am Daniel. I question a good amount of things because I wish to make sense of what happens around me. I wonder why I have to wonder and why everything is not layed out crystal clear before everyone. I am a victim, I am a peacekeeper and an instigator. I am me, Daniel. Why others wish to be others I wish to remain me but only in another form. Change is inevitable, so I dont believe it is wrong to want to change yourself. I am me Daniel

    By Blogger fuzzy, at 12:29 PM  

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