Jay's Distorted World

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Good men are hard to find. This statement is true because good men finish last. Sadly, most people claim they want a good man but where have all the good men gone? They stand in front of us as the super whores and playas. Defeat has led to the extinction of the good man.

For almost two years now I have made a conscious effort to be the ultimate “good man.” I believed in full disclosure, not hiding any of my questionable acts from those I wanted to share my life with. Stayed away from questionable activities so that there would be no reason for anyone to doubt my intentions were pure and sincere. I tried to be the perfect boyfriend, friend and mate, by extending myself so that all the needs of that special person could be met. What was I given? What kind of guy did I end up with? I talked to two guys that stated that they wanted a good guy and one that didn’t quite know what he wanted. One wanted a relationship, wanted a good man, but decided a cheating whore was better. Another was nothing more than a confused person, doesn’t know what he wants. And finally, a young one that reminded me why I have an age limit on who I date.

Now after so many hits and misses, so many let downs, a lot of the good men out here have turned to dogs. Given up on the possibility of love and a mate that will appreciate them. Because they were the victim of so many games and let downs, they have mastered the “game” and recognized the flaws in the game of those who tore them apart. These converted pimps are the worst enemy to the next generation of good men. These men know the heart, the tendency and weakness of the good man because he used to be that man. They will make love to the new good man, make him believe that he is loved, appreciated and he has finally found the “one,” only to be left to the side for the next young tight thing that comes along.

So where am I? My favorite phrase for the past three weeks, says it all: Jay’s just being Jay. I try to learn and improve from my experiences, try to aggressively avoid the super playa and remain a good man. I encourage the other good single men to do the same. Fight the urge to join the other good men who have gone bad. Our day will come and love is waiting somewhere out there for us (I hope).


  • Wow, I feel so lonely in the "good guy" catagory, lol.

    By Blogger ShawnQt, at 1:46 PM  

  • being a good gouy sucks

    but i wouldn't...couldn't ...trade it in for anything else. I'm me. I'm not th me i used to be...but i refuse to become comepletely bitter and allow circumstances to change me...i'll take ote, learn my lessons, and behave accordingly, hopefully without losing the core of me.

    By Blogger Omar Ramon, at 12:11 AM  

  • hmmm... It could be that people are scared when they look at perfection. They have all they want but were they ready to get all they wanted? You are ready and have been ready to provide for someone who will let you provide for them. Just wait and be patient and you will finish first. Be the one that breaks the mold and finds someone GREAT and better than anyone else...

    By Blogger fuzzy, at 8:03 AM  

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