Jay's Distorted World

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Question #1

This is probably going to be a short post seeing that I'm at work and the boys need to eat dinner real soon. I took a few of them to the library so that they can check their emails (they are trying to hook up with girls, yes they are at that horny age) and since I'm stuck next to them making sure they are not chatting with any older women, I figured I would type a few thoughts down. I've planned on doing a post filled with questions and answers, I might as well start here with a couple.

If love hurts, why do we still seek it?
I could answer this question with one simple phrase, Love is an irrational emotion! Lets really take love and life apart and show how we can't live without love. A young baby will not strive to live if it doesn't receive love and affection (this is not an opinion but a fact). As humans we need to fill love and no matter how we show it, we have to give love as well. But why? Well think about it, most of us believe in some sort of paradise after this life is over, yet we choose to stay on this earth. We choose to remain on this earth to suffer, feel pain and guilt, to feel excitement, sadness and joy. Yes we have been given the gift of free will but it is my belief that God has also cursed us with the gift of Love. Once it enters our lifes it is there to stay and it causes us unbelievable sadness, pain and grief. Yes I could focus on the joys of love, the completeness we fill when love is going well, but aren't those well documented and song about? To really know love is to try to live without it. Only when you live without the precious gift of love, do you really know what it truely is. The absence of such of an emotion leaves a person crippled and unable to perform the daily functions of life. The non-existance of love is depression. Its the place of complete gloom and neverending dread. So despite the pain and hurt love may cause us when it leaves for a moment or doesn't move the way we wish, its better than not having love in your life at all.


  • you're definitely going through it over this new experience.

    i think in general terms , folk expose themselves prematurely to the search of the love of others before they set up a foundation of self love. truly loving yourself allows you to avoid much of the foolishness that romantic encounters may hit u with. When you open yourself up to love however, you are extremely vulnerable there is no way to make math out of it because as you said love is irrational...your bound to hit some bumps along that road.

    It's funny tho...something that makes so lil sense still manages to conquer all. hmmm...

    By Blogger Omar Ramon, at 1:26 PM  

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